

What is Emotional Resilience?

What is Emotional Resilience? How can Employers ensure Resilience at workplace? “Resilience is a muscle. Flex it enough and it will take less effort to get over the emotional punches each time”                                                           –  Alecia Moore The word ‘resilience’ comes from the Latin word ‘resilio’ which means ‘to bounce back’ or retaliate. Emotional resilience is a way of life that includes self-confidence, self-compassion, and improved cognition. It is the process through which we empower ourselves to see adversity as ‘temporary’ and continue to [...]

positive mental attitude

What is Positive Mental Attitude? 9 ways to inculcate it.

What is Positive Mental Attitude and How to Achieve Positive Mental Attitude? Table of Contents ToggleWhat is Positive Mental Attitude and How to Achieve Positive Mental Attitude?Four (4) Types of AttitudePositive AttitudeNegative AttitudeNeutral Attitude:Sikken Attitude:What is a Positive Mindset and Attitude?How to Inculcate a Positive Mental attitude?Focus on the good thingsGratitude JournalOpen yourself up to humourSpend time with positive peoplePositive self-talkIdentify your areas of negativityStart every day on a positive noteSmileResponding to situations Stop Comparing yourself with otherA List of Positive [...]

mental wellbeing

What is Mental Well-being? 7 ways to ensure it.

What is Mental Well-being? How to ensure mental Well-being for employees? Table of Contents ToggleWhat is Mental Well-being? How to ensure mental Well-being for employees?Why Is Mental Well-being Important?What can affect your Mental Well-being?How to ensure Mental Well-being for employees?1. Make Recognition and Praise Part of Your Company’s Culture2. Allow Time & Flexibility3. Regular and transparent Communication4. Fitness Challenges5. Invest in Affordable Weekly Virtual Employee Well-being.6. Remove the stigma around Mental Illness7. Connect employees to mental wellness professionalsWhat does Mental well-being look like?Are you looking for [...]


What should parents do when children lie?

Children do not feel like talking to parents who are always under stress. They do not feel like conveying their ideas, thoughts and problems to such parents. Hence, it is necessary that the parents remain stress-free. 1. Effective role model – Parents need to be effective role models and ensure they don’t lie in front of their kids . Kids can’t distinguish “little white lies” from other lies. So, don’t lie about your child’s age to get cheaper tickets in [...]


Strategies for Business Survival during Recession

Government has announced a lot of measures to counter recession. However, recession is not going anywhere and we’re still on the downward slope. Decline in consumer confidence and decreased sales threaten all businesses, but small businesses are particularly vulnerable as they often don’t have the reserves to help them weather difficult times. How, then, can your recession-proof your business? Like dangerous curves on a racetrack, economic downturns create more opportunities for companies to move from the middle of the pack into [...]


How to help Adolescents focus on their studies

Before Studying 1. Goal Setting – Teenagers need to have a goal in place e.g. Securing 90% in class X exams. 2. To achieve the goal, they need to have weekly plan in place i.e. how much syllabus will be covered in a particular week. 3. Weekly goals have to be further broken down into individual goals .You can prepare a schedule for each day. Make sure they have enough time for studies as well as leisure. 4. Paste the goal and schedule at a [...]


How to Communicate with your Children

Effective and Open Communication with children is important because, while 21st Century kids are articulate beyond belief—“Did my 5 year old just talk about effective waste disposal?”—children don’t always open up about what really bothers them or about their lives in what I call “the second family”: the peer group, pop culture, and the Internet out there. The following points are important for building a culture of transparent communication with your children :- 1. Let your child finish talking and then [...]


Building a Culture of Ownership in Organizations

Warren Buffett said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” Many organizations struggle to create a memorable and magnetic workplace culture, and it’s no wonder. Culture is tricky to define, and takes time and effort to build. A true “ownership culture” is one where employees feel a substantial, personal stake in the company’s performance. It creates a situation in which behavior is guided more by values than by rules; even when “nobody is [...]


Best POSH Practices followed by Organizations

The POSH Act celebrated its 4th anniversary on 9th Dec 2017. In the last 4 years, it has influenced organizations to consider sexual harassment very seriously.And a large number of BSE 500 companies have declared in their annual reports that they received zero complaints on sexual harassment since 2015-16.The domino effect has led to several companies adopting best practices in handling sexual harassment effectively. Some of the practices adopted by the corporates are as follows: – 1. Mandatory training and [...]


What are Soft Skills ? Why are they Important?

Soft skills are basic traits of a person’s skills and character which help them to use their hard skills to the full extent also known as people skills. The combinations of communication skills, creative skills, and all the skills which help a person to navigate their environment and interact with the people around them and work with them. At the end of the day we, “humans” are social creatures which means that we interact with other human beings almost on a daily basis, and for effectively interacting [...]