What is Positive Mental Attitude? 9 ways to inculcate it.
What is Positive Mental Attitude and How to Achieve Positive Mental Attitude?
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An positive mental attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviours toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often the result of experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over behaviour.
It can be a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, events, activities, and ideas. It could be concrete, abstract or just about anything in your environment.
Are you a glass half-empty or half-full sort of person? Studies have demonstrated that both can impact your physical and mental health and that being a positive thinker is the better of the two.
Our thoughts and emotions play a large role in determining the state of our mental attitude and although we don’t always realize it, repetitive words and actions affect our behaviour by seeping into our subconscious and becoming second nature. This applies especially to negative thoughts that easily take over our thought patterns and put us into a permanent state of hopelessness.
Positivity doesn’t always refer to simply smiling and looking cheerful, however—positivity is more about one’s overall perspective on life and their tendency to focus on all that is good in life. Positive thinking isn’t magic and it won’t make all of your problems disappear. What it will do is make problems seem more manageable and help you approach hardships in a more positive and productive way.
Positive mental attitude is the philosophy which asserts that having an optimistic disposition in every situation in one’s life attracts positive changes and increases achievement. It is the philosophy of finding greater joy in small joys.

Four (4) Types of Attitude
There are four types of attitude: –
Positive Attitude
It means that keeping a positive mindset and thinking about the greater good, no matter whatever the circumstances are. A positive attitude has many benefits which affect out other kinds of behaviour in a good way.
Negative Attitude
A negative attitude is something that every person should avoid. Generally, people will negative attitude ignore the good things in life and only think about whether they will fail. They often find a way out of tough situations by running away from it. They often compare themselves with other persons and find the bad in them only.
Neutral Attitude:
This attitude is very common among people. That mindset is a neutral one. There is no doubt. Neither is there any kind of hope. The people generally tend to ignore the problems in life. Such types of persons are very balanced in their approach. They remain indifferent to problems and wait for others intervention regarding resolutions. Such type of persons remains self-satisfied and complacent. Their attitude is composed of indifference and detachment.
Sikken Attitude:
People with a sikken attitude demonstrate an extremely aggressive and negative state of mind. They try to destroy the image of every element that reflects into their mind. They are destructive in nature. The person carrying this type of attitude cannot alter or amend one’s opinion because of its penetration at the base level.
What is a Positive Mindset and Attitude?
“Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.”
Positive mental attitude is the philosophy that having an optimistic disposition in every situation in one’s life attracts positive changes and increases achievement. Adherents employ a state of mind that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances. It opposes negativity, defeatism and hopelessness.
Having a positive mindset means making positive thinking a habit, continually searching for the silver lining and making the best out of any situation you find yourself in.

How to Inculcate a Positive Mental attitude?
It can be achieved through different techniques that have proven effective, such as positive self-talk and positive imagery. Some of the few strategies/tips which can be used to inculcate positive thinking are as follows: –
Focus on the good things
Challenging situations and obstacles are a part of life. When you’re faced with one, focus on the good things no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they seem. For example, if someone cancels plans, focus on how it frees up time for you to catch up on a TV show or other activity you enjoy.
Practicing gratitude has been shown to reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and foster resilience even in very difficult times. Think of people, moments, or things that bring you some kind of comfort or happiness and try to express your gratitude at least once a day.
Gratitude Journal
Studies have found that writing down the things you’re grateful for can improve your optimism and sense of well-being. You can do this by writing in a gratitude journal every day, or jotting down a list of things you’re grateful for on days you’re having a hard time.
Open yourself up to humour
Studies have found that laughter lowers stress, anxiety, and depression. It also improves coping skills, mood, and self-esteem. Be open to humour in all situations, especially the difficult ones, and give yourself permission to laugh. It instantly lightens the mood and makes things seem a little less difficult. Even if you’re not feeling it; pretending or forcing yourself to laugh can improve your mood and lower stress.
Spend time with positive people
Negativity and positivity have been shown to be contagious. Consider the people with whom you’re spending time. Have you noticed how someone in a bad mood can bring down almost everyone in a room? A positive person has the opposite effect on others.
Being around positive people has been shown to improve self-esteem and increase your chances of reaching goals. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and help you see the bright side.
Positive self-talk
We tend to be the hardest on ourselves and be our own worst critic. Over time, this can cause you to form a negative opinion of yourself that can be hard to shake. To stop this, you’ll need to be mindful of the voice in your head and respond with positive messages, also known as positive self- talk.
Identify your areas of negativity
Take a good look at the different areas of your life and identify the ones in which you tend to be the most negative. Not sure? Ask a trusted friend or colleague. Chances are, they’ll be able to offer some insight. A co-worker might notice that you tend to be negative at work. Your spouse may notice that you get especially negative while driving. Tackle one area at a time.
Start every day on a positive note
Create a ritual in which you start off each day with something uplifting and positive. Here are a few ideas:
- Tell yourself that it’s going to be a great day or any other positive affirmation.
- Listen to a happy and positive song or playlist.
- Share some positivity by giving a compliment or doing something nice for someone.
Smiling can be a powerful took for inculcating positive attitude. It releases endorphins, which helps a person feel happier and more positive. A Scientific American study found that facial expressions, such as smiling, can improve one’s mood and increase positive thoughts.
Responding to situations
Everyday life situations can be full of stressors. When we respond to a problem, we think it through, find a logical solution and then take action. When we react, we lose the logical thinking part and often escalate the situation. Responding helps us to handle situations in a positive manner.
These tips for positive mental attitude can help us to imbibe a positive mental attitude at workplace. It can workplace. also help in your personal life.
Stop Comparing yourself with other
Acknowledge your strengths and qualities. Stop comparing yourself with people around. This only increases self-pity and feeling of being a victim.
A List of Positive Attitudes
Some of the specific examples/activities of a positive attitude in action are as follows: –
- It is looking at adversity in the eye and laughing.
- Getting what you get, and not pitching a fit.
- Enjoying the unexpected, even when it’s not what you wanted originally.
- Motivating those around you with a positive word.
- Using the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation.
- Being friendly to those you don’t know.
- It’s getting back up when you fall down. (No matter how many times you fall down.)
- Being a source of energy that lifts those around you.
- Understanding that relationships are more important than material things.
- Being happy even when you have little.
- Being happy for someone else’s success.
- Having a positive future vision, no matter how bad your current circumstances.
- Paying a compliment, even to a total stranger.
- Tell someone you know that they did a great job. (And mean it.)
- Making someone’s day. (Not just a child’s… adult’s like to have their day be special, too!)
- It’s not complaining no matter how unfair things appear to be. (It is a waste of time… instead, do something!)
- Not letting other people’s negativity bring you down.
- Giving more than you expect to get in return.
- Being true to yourself… always.
- Learning new things
- Helping others
We won’t be able to undo years of pessimism and negative thoughts overnight, but with some practice, we can learn how to approach things with a more positive outlook.
“There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”
― Napoleon Hill, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
Are you looking for training on Developing a Positive Mental Attitude at Workplace?
Proud HR Services provides holistic training related to positive attitude, resilience building, emotional wellbeing and happiness at work It also has a panel of counsellors, psychologists and soft skill trainers who can provide support regarding employee wellness programs. For more information, pls get in touch with us at info@proudhr.com .