Soft Skill Training and Corporate Training

Soft Skill Training and Corporate Training

The importance of soft skill training can’t be over emphasized in today’s times. Soft Skills are essentially people related skills. Every business requires soft skill and corporate trainings

Soft skills are personality related traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person’s relationships with other people. They a complement hard skill, which refer to a person’s subject knowledge and occupational or technical skills. Soft skills have more to do with who people are, rather than what they know.

Employees with good soft skills are also very adaptable to the role and environment irrespective of the field or industry. They are deemed as efficient candidates by the employers.

We provide the following Soft Skill  Training/ Behavioral Trainings: –

S. No. Topics
1 Creating a Culture of Ownership and Accountability
2 Women Empowerment and Well being
3 Communication Skills
4 Team Building
5 Conflict Management
6 PoSH Training
7 Gender Sensitization
8 Campus to Corporate
9 Train The Trainer
10 Improvement in Productivity
11 Effective Supervisory Skills
12 Emotional Intelligence
13 Change Management
14 Effective Presentation Skills
15 Net Etiquette- Email Writing
16 Emotional Intelligence
17 Stress Management
18 Building a Positive Attitude
19 Management Development Program
20 Leadership Development Program

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