How to Communicate with your Children
Effective and Open Communication with children is important because, while 21st Century kids are articulate beyond belief—“Did my 5 year old just talk about effective waste disposal?”—children don’t always open up about what really bothers them or about their lives in what I call “the second family”: the peer group, pop culture, and the Internet out there.
The following points are important for building a culture of transparent communication with your children :-
1. Let your child finish talking and then respond.
2. Listen to your child to understand rather than respond.
3. Refrain from giving advise unless your child specifically asks for guidance.
4. Use language and ideas that your child will understand.
5. Make any instructions and requests simple and clear to match your child’s age and ability.
6. Empathize with your children.
7. Acknowledge their feelings even if you don’t agree with them.
8. Avoid criticism and blame.
9. Be a good role model.
10. Pay attention to details.
11. Respond to your child with real emotions.