Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid During a Behavioural Interview

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid During a Behavioural Interview

When it comes to Job interviews, first impression really matters a lot. So make sure when you go for the interview ahead you avoid these common interview mistakes.

  1. Being Unprepared:

Interview preparation is crucial to being confident and ready to answer 

the interviewer’s questions. Carefully read the company’s history, job 

position and competitors, and get to know its key members. Make sure 

you understand all the responsibilities assigned. Not doing so will make 

you look lazy and unattractive.
Preparation also means determining how to answer questions during an interview, planning your  approach, and taking into account any delays you may encounter.
There’s no excuse for being late for a job interview, so show your interest by being on time.

. Always take the details of the interview, so that you can update the person if any problems arises.

For a virtual call, make sure all your technology is working and set up  correctly,  you have access to internet, alternative source of data in case wifi is not working make sure you have  close at hand and eliminate all 


  • Incorrect Dressing:

Dressing up is a must, so choose your outfit wisely. Clothes should be clean and properly ironed.

Knowing the type of company you’re applying for should give you an idea  of  what to wear.For example, eg In manufacturing set up, a more conservative dress up is required whereas in software companies or BPOs a  more relaxed dress code is desirable.

  • Talking too much or not at all:

Learning to strike a balance between talking too much and talking too less is a challenge.

          Waffling is a common interview mistake and  is often the result of stress, but don’t talk about everything at once. It is  very important not to sell your skills and experience. When the  interviewer asks a question, pause for a few seconds, take a deep breath,  and collect your thoughts before answering. Also, if you talk too much or too fast, you risk irritating or interrupting the interviewer.

  • Criticising previous employer or colleagues: Complaining about your 

co-workers, pointing out negative aspects of your past or current job, or 

Complaining about your supervisor can reduce your chances of success. 

This may cause employers to form a negative perception about the candidate. You left your old or current job as an agent for whatever reason. 

You don’t want employers to think you’re dishonest or badmouthing your previous employer.

Don’t talk about other people’s mistakes, talk about the positive steps you have taken to overcome them. This shows how talented and capable you are.

  • Failing to ask question:

At the end of the interview, the recruiter will ask if you have any  questions you would like to ask. Saying no is never a good idea. This is  your chance to get answers about the company , so don’t waste it. Ask a few questions that show you’re interested in the  role. You can ask about projects the company is currently working on,  opportunities for advancement, or where the company will be in five 

Don’t ask what the company does (you should do your research), 

how much salary you’re entitled to, or whether you got the job. Also,  don’t ask questions if the answers have already been covered during the i

nterview. Try to prepare two or three questions if possible -that way you have a backup.

How do you win a behavioural interview?

  • Study the Job Description: Whenever you apply for any job, you should read the job description and then apply for the job. See if the job description is matching to your job or not.
  • Review major projects you have worked on: When going for the interview, always highlight the projects that you have worked onand achievements in the project.
  • Revisit previous job performance accomplishments: Always when preparing for the interview one should prepare themselves with the previous job performance and achievements
  • Use STAR method to structure your response: You can use the STAR(situation, task, Action and Results) technique method while you go for an interview. Using this method you can create a story that your interviewer can easily follow. Here how it works
  • Situation: Disclose details of the event. Is setting the context or situation, you tell your interviewer when or where this event took place. For example, “We were working on a six-month project for a high-value client when our agency merged with another”
  • Task: Explaining your responsibilities in that  situation. For example “It was my role to lead the transaction for my group while communicating with our clients to keep the project on track”
  • Action: What did you do? For exampleFor example, I check with clients weekly to update 

them on 

how the integration is going. This builds trust between us. 

Checking in to manage changes and meet deadlines.”

  • Result: What was the outcome of the situation? For example, “We completed the project on time and met all specifications. It has been incredibly rewarding to lead so many changes and 

succeed under pressure.”

5. Be open and honest in your answers: Whenever you go for an interview you should be honest and open about the task you  have done or your achievements You  should not project wrong figures or fake answers. Always project the correct instance that has happened.

6. Practice your interview responses out loud: While preparing for the interview you should practice in front of the mirror or out loud so that you know what are the mistakes you are making and can correct it. It also helps in the behavioural communication.

Conclusion: Success in a behavioural interview is all about preparation. There aren’t necessarily wrong answers. These questions are aimed at getting to know the real you. The important thing is to be honest and to practice structuring your responses in a way that communicates your skills and competence in the specified role

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